
Improve Your Social Media Strategy by Tracking Social Media Metrics

Woman tracking social media metrics on computer

Tracking social media metrics allows you to make data-driven decisions to improve your social media strategy. Understanding how your content is performing, how users are engaging, and whether you are achieving your social media goals is paramount to creating an effective social media strategy.

Social Media Performance

By tracking social media metrics, you can see how your content performs over time and identify trends in engagement, reach, and other vital areas. In addition, monitoring the performance of your social media strategy allows you to make adjustments as needed without wasting additional time and money.

Identify Areas for Improvement

You will learn what areas are falling short in your social media strategy and where to make changes. For example, if you do not see high engagement rates on your posts, you may need to adjust your messaging or optimize your posting schedule.

Track Progress Toward Goals

Tracking your progress provides insight into whether you are reaching your social media goals. For example, are you trying to increase engagement or grow your followers? You can determine if you are on track to meet your goals and decide whether to make adjustments.

Justify Social Media Investment

You will find tangible evidence by tracking social media metrics related to the impact of your social media efforts. You can calculate if investing time and resources into social media marketing is justifiable.

To begin tracking social media metrics, you must set up a system to measure and analyze data from your social media accounts. Your system will help you identify areas for improvement and optimize your social media strategy to achieve the desired results and improve your ROI.

Steps to creating your system for tracking social media metrics:

  1. Determine your social media goals.

You need to define what you want to achieve with your social media strategy before you can track your metrics. Your goals may include brand awareness, increasing website traffic, or generating leads.

  1. Identify Relevant Metrics

Now that you know your goals, you can determine which metrics are most relevant to measure your plan’s progress. For example, if your goal is to increase brand awareness, you want to monitor reach, impressions, and followers to determine your effectiveness. In our last blog post, we discuss the difference between vanity metrics and the metrics that will provide you with more relevant information.

  1. Utilize a Social Media Analytics Tool

Choose a tool that integrates with your social media platforms and provides the metrics you want to track. There are several social media analytics tools available. You can find more information in this Buffer article.

  1. Connect Your Accounts

Connect your social media accounts to the analytics tool you choose.

  1. Monitor and Analyze Data

Once your accounts are connected, you can begin to monitor and analyze the data provided by the analytics tool. Look for trends and patterns in the data and identify areas to improve your social media strategy.

  1. Adjust Your Strategy

Based on the insights you gain from tracking the metrics, adjust your social media strategy to optimize your performance and achieve your goals. 

Common formulas to help with tracking your social media metrics:


Conversion rate: Number of conversions / Number of website visits

Cost per conversion: Total cost of campaign / Number of conversions


Engagement rate: Number of likes, comments, shares, clicks / Number of followers


Impressions = Number of times a post is displayed

Reach = Number of unique users who have seen a post

Frequency: Number of impressions / Number of reach

Return on Investment (ROI):

ROI: Gain from investment – Cost of Investment / Cost of Investment

It is important to note that different social media platforms may define these metrics differently, so check how each platform defines the metrics you want to measure.

Tracking social media metrics is crucial for you to grow your online presence. First, you can gain valuable insights into your social media strategy by analyzing the data. Then you can make informed decisions about your social media strategy. Finally, with the right tools and a solid understanding of the metrics that matter, you can optimize your content, engage your audience, and achieve your social media goals. 

Virtual Professional Solutions can help you create a social media strategy that will help you to achieve the business growth you desire.  Contact Cindy for a free consultation.



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